We are into Day 18 of selling hangi at the new shop and sales are real slow.  There are two issues to resolve one is Staff and the other is Cashflow.  I have discovered that my method of small business has a technical name.  I am a 'Bootstrapper' which is someone who operates ten basic principles on the smell of an oily rag to get their business u p with conventional businesses who have the business plan and the money behind the.  Maori Fusions is the new catchword for me- the blend of hangi with pakeha kai.  Those that work really well are: PK Frittata; PK Pancake; Hangi Burger, Fry Bread and Mussel Chowder- P standing for Pumpkin and K for kumara.  There will be no more events for me.  Its quite nice looking out on the street and being on the street again. Look elsewhere for the Aunty Umu Top Taste of Hangi Menu for Eating In- Sorry you must make a booking for the food described otherwise it will not be cooked.  There is a Taekway BainMarie Self Service Unit but that is separate to the Eating In Experience.  And I am still looking for an Investor to take the proces from the stainless drum to the stainless steel vat.  About to make a calendar for Matariki now.