We are in the lst week of June and oh what a month it has been.  World Smokefree Day 31 May Darky Samson my partner slipped silently away to reunite with his ancesors and friends beyond the veil guarded by Hine nui i te po.  And I have not felt like coping with business matters at the same time.  So, I am re focussing on what will work.  Yes the hangi meal is popular but I am well aware that our people are so used to teh ordinary type of takeaway it is going to take some time to get them craving for the hangi and other Maori kai available to them via The Aunty Umu Pataka.  I have purchased a deep fryer and I am going to sell Takeaway Combos.  The emphasis will be on Fresh- Fish, Buns- Salads- Aha ra Food!  I am a staunch advocate of Matariki but alas I dont have the energy to do this as well.  BUT great news!!  The local secondary school is to encourage Maori students to enrol in the Kahikatea Programme where they can attain credits for Marae Studies in particular how to be ringawera- the basic grounding of hui hosting and manaakitanga.  Cool huh.  Maori Fusions will now include Hangi and chips; etc.  Any suggestions anyone?  Text or type in.