Well the man left a hua of a will and it looks as though I will need to sell the house just to keep afloat.  There are the house bills to pay and then there are the shop ones top pay as well.  Business is spasmodic but that is what I expected.  I decided to do a 9-2-9 work plan and for the first 10 days it was manageable.  This is Day 13 and I am stuffed.  It has not helped that I have not been able to shake this persistent cough and runny nose.  The effect has been that today I have not felt like working so I havent.  So I have rearranged my working hours.  My family does not seem keen on helping me so I will look to other ways to engage staff.  Is anyone out there a big fat father christmas?  On the cheerful side I have renamed the dhop Kaikai Kona (corner).  I saved myself one grand by doing it myself and it looks more like I wanted anyway.  Now down to getting people in the door to buy the food.  The fish and chips are going down really well.  Lets hope the rest of the menu will too.  This month is te wiki o te reo maori- next week actually-  I plan to have a programme of sampling from Monday on. Wish me luck.  Oh and a long ,ost relative is coming home.  AUgust 3rd a the marae, 12 noon if you are a McCaskill.  Come and welcome them back.